Pay when you decide to take the treatment

Fill in Contact Us Form. Let us know about your medical condition and the dates you like to travel to Turkey.

We will reply in 24 hours with the initial consultation by the doctor and information about the cost of treatment. Our medical team will examine your file and will advise best treatment option just for you. This service is free of charge.

If you agree to get a treatment, you will make only 500 EURO down payment.

Upon your confirmation, we will arrange all the appointments with doctors (and book flights / accommodation if you want).

First visit to doctor is free of charge. If you decide to take the treatment after meeting with your doctor in person, you will pay remaining amount.

An English speaking assistant who will accompany you during your stay will meet you at the Izmir airport when you arrive.

Our support will continue even after your treatment is finished.

If you want, we can also organize your flight and accommodation.